Translation of:
– Bylaws
– Certificates of Incorporation
– Public Bids
– Corporate Documents
– Arbitration Documents
– Environmental Reports
– Financial Statements
– Initial Public Offerings
– Personal Documents
Interpretation of:
– Conferences
– Meetings and Interviews
– Depositions
– Diplomatic Meetings
– Remote Interpreting
– Mexican Sign Language

And because reliability and professionalism always pay off, our client portfolio includes renowned law and accounting firms, large corporations, financial institutions and public figures, both Mexican and international.
Our clients trust us because they know that accuracy and rigor in translation can prevent costly consequences, such as protracted and unnecessary litigation, cancelled concessions, false accusations and many other setbacks, including ridicule.

Lamartine 238, 8th floor
Col. Chapultepec Polanco
C.P. 11550
Ciudad de México
+52 55 5525 3557